
An Encounter in Kochi

Fishing nets fluttered on a light breeze whispering off the Lakshadweep Sea. Four men operated a complicated system of counterweights to dip for choora, the rich tuna they sold along the waterfront. Traders from the court of Kublai Khan had introduced these devices to the Malabar Coast seven hundred years ago, and they’d been used…

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Wren’s Song

The Columbia, a thousand feet beneath me, snakes to its source through basalt cliffs, high prairies, and Canada’s Rocky Mountains. Elusive memories shift one direction, surge another. “Come.” My father summons after fifty years time. Did he always call this way when I was a boy? Not question, but command. I yearned then for the…

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Macaroni & Cassoulet

By the time of his face-off with macaroni, the warranties on most of Dad’s body parts had pretty much expired. He’d shrunk three inches and suffered from a bad heart; but despite partial blindness and decrepit knees, he still walked, levitating himself by power of his will. Deep lines carved his face, and his lips,…

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Big Chris

Big Chris BigChris.PofS.scan

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Oatie He shave in long slow pulls; tighten his face so the blade can’t snare up against the skin of his neck, seventeen inches thick like a bull. He watch himself in a mirror fragment jam up against a knot in a twisted tree, hold fast at the bottom by a vine. Almost nineteen, he…

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